Bouncing Back: Moving from Burnout to Sustainability
Burnout is a common response to prolonged stress associated with fulfilling life’s various demands and obligations. It is characterized by mental, emotional, and often even physical exhaustion. Burnout can leave you feeling tired, isolated, unmotivated, and disconnected, taking a substantial toll on mental and emotional wellbeing. Burnout often occurs when an individual engages with their obligations in a way that deprioritizes their own needs; that is, in a way that is not sustainable. Fostering sustainability - engaging with tasks and obligations in a way that balances desired outcomes and individual wellbeing - is essential to recovering from and preventing the recurrence of burnout.
Let’s be clear about this - burnout is frequently caused by structural/organizational factors that exist within workplaces and are beyond the control of the individual experiencing burnout. In fact, I struggle with the term “burnout” because it frames a structural problem (like a toxic workplace) as a personal problem. This strikes me as a form of organizational gaslighting, placing the blame for employee burnout on the employees rather than making necessary changes to the workplace to support employees. With that significant disclaimer out of the way, there remain concrete steps that the impacted individual can take to improve resilience and promote recovery when faced with burnout or a burnout-producing workplace culture. Here are a few such strategies:
Acknowledge that you are feeling the effects of burnout - The first step in overcoming burnout is recognizing that you're experiencing it. Often, we may try to push through our exhaustion or dismiss our feelings as just "stress." However, confronting the reality of burnout is essential for initiating the recovery process.
Set boundaries – Burnout often occurs when you are overextended and overcommitted. That is, when you are over-engaged in activities that you feel you “should” do at the expense of the things you need to do to take care of you wellbeing. Setting boundaries can help you prioritize your own needs. This may involve saying no to unnecessary/additional commitments, delegating tasks, or carving out time for your own needs and interests.
Practice mindfulness - Mindfulness is a powerful tool for managing burnout. Practice grounding yourself in the present moment and paying attention to your experiences without judgement. Noticing your here-and-now experiences reduces the impact of unhelpful thoughts and emotions, creating more opportunity to respond to your thoughts, emotions, and circumstances rather than simply reacting to them. Your thoughts and emotions can be signposts on your recovery journey, and mindfulness can help you pay closer attention to these signposts so you can adjust your efforts as necessary.
Check with your values - Burnout should be taken as a sign that something is out of balance. Consider what is important to you, how connected you are to those identified values, and what steps you may need to take to be more aligned with what is personally meaningful. Inventorying your values and goals provides direction for your burnout recovery efforts.
Do what matters – After identifying your personal goals and values, identify and implement steps to increase your proximity to them. Consider how you might be more connected with the people/activities that matter to you, and take steps in that direction.
Prioritize and practice self-care - Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine, whether it's through exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or pursuing hobbies that bring you joy. Pleasant activities allow you to accumulate wins, build momentum, and add variety to your life.
Seek professional help – if you find yourself struggling to overcome burnout on your own, therapy can help you move back toward balance. A trained therapist can provide personalized support to help you navigate this challenging time.
Recovering from burnout is a gradual process that requires patience, self-compassion, and perseverance. By implementing these strategies and seeking support when needed, you can emerge from burnout stronger, wiser, and more resilient. You deserve to live a life filled with purpose and wellbeing. Overcoming burnout is the first step towards reclaiming that life.
If you are struggling with burnout and would like to talk about how therapy can promote your recovery, contact me today for a free consultation.